KUMJ | VOL. 2 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 5 | JAN-MAR, 2004

Variations in termination of brachial artery – A case report
Bilodi AK, Sanikop MB

Normally the brachial artery divides at the neck of the radius 2 to 3 cms below the crease of the elbow into two
terminal branches namely ulnar and radial arteries .Common interrosseous artery arises from ulnar artery.
In the present study there was difference in the terminations of brachial arteries in two limbs of the same body. In
the left upper limb, the artery terminated into ulnar and radial arteries and the common interrosseous artery. In the
right upper limb, the artery terminated into ulnar and radial arteries and the common interrosseous arteries were
arising from the radial artery but not from ulnar artery. In both limbs radial and ulnar arteries were present anterior
(superficial) to flexor group of muscles .There were also difference in the calibre of the above vessels. Hence the
study was done on the terminations of the brachial artery and reported.

Keyword : Trifurcation,- Bifurcation,- Brachial artery,-Ulnar artery,- Radial artery,-Common interosseous artery.