KUMJ | VOL. 15 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 60 | OCT.-DEC. 2017

Mesenteric Fibromatosis
Radhakrishna V, Patil RS

Mesenteric fibromatosis is a rare, locally invasive benign tumor arising from fibroblasts and fibrous tissue of mesentery. Their infiltrative nature can cause fatal visceral involvement. Most of the cases reported have an association with Gardner’s Syndrome, prolonged intake of estrogen, and previous trauma, but mesenteric fibromatosis can occur as a primary ailment without an underlying stimulant. A nineteen-year female presented with mass and pain abdomen diagnosed to have subserous fibroid but eventually turned out to be primary mesenteric fibromatosis. She underwent wide excision along with the resection of adjacent bowel. She is on follow-up with no evidence of recurrence.
Keyword : Estradiol receptors, Fibromatosis, Mesenteric mass, Wide surgical excision