KUMJ | VOL. 5 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 20 | OCT-DEC, 2007

Comparison of sub mucosal diathermy and partial resection of Inferior turbinate in the treatment of symptomatic nasal valve blockage
Kafle P, Maharjan M, Shrestha S, Toran KC

Objectives: to evaluate the efficacy of sub mucosal diathermy (SMD) and partial resection of inferior turbinate (PRIT) in the treatment of symptomatic enlarged inferior turbinates.
Study Design: prospective
Methods: Forty patients of age group 18 -56yrs with symptomatic enlarged inferior turbinates had given choices for SMD and PRIT. All the patients had history of failed medical treatment.
Results: Each twenty patients underwent SMD (group I), PRIT (group II), five pt of gr. I had to have anterior nasal packing after surgery for bleeding. Three pt complained of excessive rhinorrhoea for first 2 weeks while 3 pt of Group 1 complained of nasal blockage for 1 week even after intervention. In group 2, 5 pt had to have re-anterior nasal packing after pack removal. Both groups followed up for 6 months. Nine patients were lost in follow up, so excluded from the study. Following 6 months of follow up, 6 patient of gr. I had recurrence with nasal blockage and in gr. II none had recurrence.
Conclusion: PRIT is better than SMD in long course; nevertheless it should be reserved for failed SMD, not as a primary option.

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