KUMJ | VOL. 1 | NO. 3 | ISSUE 3 | JULY-SEPT, 2003

Analysis of 400 cases of posterior segment diseases visiting retina clinic of Nepal eye hospital
Karki DB, Malla OK, Byanju RN, Shrestha S

Objective: To determine the disease pattern of 400 patients attending Nepal Eye Hospital for strategic planning.
Materials and methods: A retrospective hospital based analysis of 400 cases visiting Retina Clinic of Nepal Eye
Hospital (NEH) over a period of one year was carried out in order to know the disease pattern for planning purpose.
Results: Males slightly outnumbered females (58% versus 42%). The diseases were more common in age group 50
to 59 years. Diabetes mellitus with or without retinopathy was the commonest cause (20.25 %) for attendance in
retina clinic followed by hypertensive retinopathy and venous occlusive disorders.

Keyword : Posterior segment disease pattern, diabetic retinopathy, hypertension, venous occlusive disease.